Continúa la actividad

Sí, porque tras bastante tiempo sin actualizar el blog, espero no dejar que se seque (como los pantanos, que a este ritmo nos duchamos con agua embotellada...).

Pues tras haber vuelto de vacaciones y luego, de un viaje a Mexico DF (con las dos orejas y sin secuestro de por medio ;-))) ) volveré a ir añadiendo temas que me parezcan de interés.

Sobre temas de esos, comentar uno de los enlaces de la derecha, en "Blogs que me gustan", el de Ageless Marketing Blog. Está en inglés (sorry for that), y lo escribe un tipo de 73 años, que se dedica al mundo del marketing, y que tiene ciertas teorías acerca de los mercados que se van probando ciertas y que se basan en que según él, la franja de edad que marca las tendencias generales de la sociedad (no de la moda) es la que ahora está en torno a los 50 años. Para cogerle el hilo hay que seguirlo un poco, pero me resulta muy interesante.


Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have and should have. -- Louis Boone


Hello again.

It's been a long time since the last post. I have been on holidays (one month, August) and after that, on a trip at Mexico City, so I hope I will continue including here all things that I consider are interesting (at least for me).

In that category enters one of the links on the right side of the blog: Ageless Marketing Blog. Written by a guy 73 years old, it's interesting because of the marketing theories that he tells there. They're all based on the idea that it is the scope of people around 50 years old the one that sets the pace of the social mind (not the fashion), and that because that scope is the one most populated. It's necessary to follow him during some posts to understand all, but I think it's intersting.


Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have and should have. -- Louis Boone
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