About Domain Names (DNS): very interesting article

Si estáis interesados en conseguir un nombre de dominio, para vuestra página web (personal o de negocios) sería interesante echarle un vistazo al artículo (en inglés) escrito por Dennis Forbes.

Como curiosidades, destacar que hay más de 50 millones de nombres acabados en .com

Esa información ocupa 3.5GB en los servidores y 650MB la de los que acaban en .NET

Y que todas las combinaciones de 2 y 3 letras están ocupadas.

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strength. – Anonymous


If you are looking for a domain name, take a look at the article written by Dennis Forbes, where you will learn that there are more than 50 million names ending in .com or that all the domains of 2 or 3 letters are already taken or that the most usual length for a name is 11 characters.

Very interesting.

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strength. – Anonymous

Presentation Zen: great blog for presentation ideas and tips

A really good place if you want to learn a lot about how to deliver better presentations, and also to learn about the bad ones.

Presentation Zen blog

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Use what talent you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. -- Henry Van Dyke

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